What It Takes to Navigate the Insurance Strategy-To-Execution Gap
August 05, 2021
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In an article for Financier Worldwide, Andrew Munzberg from FTI Consulting’s Global Insurance Services team shares five fundamental steps to develop the right operating model to deliver on insurers’ strategies.
This is an extract from Financier Worldwide, first published in May 2021. The whole publication is available at https://www.financierworldwide.com/what-it-takes-to-navigate-the-insurance-strategy-to-execution-gap#.YQv8gIhKg2x
"Developing a realistic long-term strategy
This year’s pressures require insurers to evidence their support for sustainability standards and to address environmental and social injustice issues on top of the regular challenges they face. Insurers have also had to deal with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In addition to the considerable human cost, the pandemic has had a profound impact on consumer behaviours and their view of insurers. It has also accelerated the adoption of digital channels by customers. New and emerging technologies and improvements in mobile connectivity have disrupted insurance operating models, with many insurers constrained by the investment in legacy systems.”
This article has been reprinted with kind permission from Financier Worldwide.
August 05, 2021
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