About Gino
Gino Bello is Head of Southeast Asia Technology and co-leads Southeast Asia Investigations, based in Singapore. Mr. Bello is a digital forensics expert – having given expert testimony and submitted expert reports and affidavits to courts and government in Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines – and is a certified computer examiner.
Recognised by Who’s Who Legal as a Global Elite Thought Leader in Digital Forensics, Mr. Bello has over sixteen years of experience in digital forensics, cybersecurity, e-discovery and litigation support, and IT. Mr. Bello has led a broad range of matters including regulatory investigations, high stakes investigations into data leakage, cross-border disputes, government enquiries, bribery & corruption, incident response, cyber risk and posture reviews, class actions, white collar crime, and other employee-related misconduct.
Mr. Bello has extensive experience across a wide range of sectors including financial services, insurance, technology, health and life sciences, construction, manufacturing, hospitality, gaming & leisure, and retail.
A member of the ISFCE and a board member of the HTCIA, Mr. Bello has held Australian Government security clearances and has completed postgraduate, undergraduate, and formal industry training in digital forensics. Mr. Bello has guest-lectured at the National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, and Melbourne University, has co-authored forensic policy for government, has authored a publication with CPA Australia and Singapore Management University’s School of Accountancy on digital forensics investigations, and provides commentary to media on cybersecurity.
Relevant Experience:
- Appointed by large financial institution as digital forensics expert in the largest government inquiries into the banking sector.
- Engaged by one of the largest financial institutions in Asia to undertake an investigation into the mass exit of hundreds of its directors and employees to a competitor to identify data leakage, collusion, and breach of contract, and a subsequent cyber posture review of processes and technology in protecting confidential information.
- Engaged by an MNC to respond to multiple government regulators following raids of their offices, including pioneering predictive coding & advanced analytics in Asia to identify key documents in order to respond to the regulators’ notices.
- Appointed digital forensics expert in Singapore High Court matter for Technology MNC into mass data leakage of senior employees stealing confidential IP to a competitor.
- Led a large-scale investigation for a real estate information MNC in a search warrant in Southeast Asia to seize hundreds of computer devices across multiple sites simultaneously and submissions of digital forensics expert witness reports. The forensic analysis and reports uncovered wholesale theft of IP, as well as criminal activity.
PgC, SysSec (Digital Forensics), InfoSec Incident Handling, Charles Sturt University
Certified Computer Examiner (CCE), International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE)
1st Vice President, High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), Singapore Chapter
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE)
BCompSc, La Trobe University
T: +65 6831 7856
M: +65 8133 4540
gino.bello@fticonsulting.com -
1 Raffles Quay
#27-10, South Tower
Forensic Technology