About Ken
Ken Ditzel is a Senior Managing Director in FTI Consulting’s Dispute Advisory Services practice with more than 20 years of experience in market analysis and consulting. Mr. Ditzel provides expert witness services in litigation and regulatory disputes, arbitration and prudency reviews. On the advisory side, he provides expertise in transaction due diligence, economic and policy impact analyses, integrated resource planning and project feasibility studies. His clients include financial institutions, independent power producers, manufacturers, private equity firms, retailers, technology firms, trade associations and utilities.
Mr. Ditzel uses optimization, statistics and financial models to determine how changes in market and regulatory variables affect commodity supply and demand, prices, asset and portfolio operations and financials, as well as the broader economy.
In his economic and policy impact analysis, Mr. Ditzel assesses current and future impacts to output, gross domestic product (“GDP”), employment, labor income and tax revenues at the project, county, state, market, national and international levels. His economic impact work covers a range of industries, including agriculture, energy, entertainment and events, retail and wholesale trade, forestry and manufacturing.
Mr. Ditzel’s environmental consulting focuses on greenhouse gases (“GHG”) and criteria pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide. He has led many scope 1-3 emission accounting and reporting engagements, conducted Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) scenario analyses and Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) goal setting, advised on the quality of carbon offsets and examined proposed state and federal policy changes and their impacts on energy markets and the economy. In addition, he has conducted critical reviews of GHG lifecycle emission assessments of coal technologies and projects, biofuels and biomass.
As an expert witness, Mr. Ditzel has been involved in matters related to biofuels, coal, crude oil, gas-to-liquids, natural gas, power generation and retail sales. He has testified before the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Court of Arbitration, the London Court of International Arbitration, the U.S. House of Representatives, a U.S. District Court and a state public utility commission. Mr. Ditzel is a member of the Energy Bar Association ("EBA") and is the Secretary-Treasurer of the EBA Texas Chapter.
Relevant Experience:
- Provided written testimony before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission identifying whether a utility acted prudently before an unplanned outage and whether a fuel adjustment clause disallowance should be made
- Served as a market expert in an arbitration case where a biodiesel blender alleged its accounting firm mistreated the application of the biodiesel blender's tax credit
- Performed multiple sell-side due diligence studies evaluating the future market revenues, costs and operations of U.S. wind, solar, natural gas and coal-fired power plants
- Conducted due diligence on market conditions, future trends and existing offtake contracts for a private equity fund bidding on an existing small-scale liquefied natural gas ("LNG") facility
- Authored a cost-benefit report on a proposed revenue-neutral federal carbon tax, evaluating changes to the U.S. federal budget, economy, power sector and carbon dioxide emissions
Awards & Recognition:
- George I. Treyz Award, Excellence in Economic and Demographic Analysis, Regional Economic Models Inc. (2018 and 2022)
- Consulting Magazine Award, Excellence in Environmental and Social Governance, Consulting Magazine (2022)
- George I. Treyz Award, Excellence in Energy, the Economy, and the Environment, Regional Economic Models Inc. (2017)
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Certification
Energy Bar Association ("EBA")
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia
M.B.A., Georgetown University
T: +1 703 966 1954
ken.ditzel@fticonsulting.com -
1301 McKinney Street
Suite 3500
Houston, TX 77010
United States
Economic Consulting
Expert Testimony
Public Policy
Regulated Industries