About Rich
Rich Page is a legal services technologist with extensive experience in developing innovative solutions in the legal software and services space. Mr. Page is a member of FTI Consulting’s Trial & Arbitration Support practice, supporting business opportunities in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa from the London office.
Working with global law firms, courts and arbitration venues, Mr. Page delivers services on a bespoke basis, researching and developing the software and technology around each project. He is known in the industry for building the world’s first fully digital hearing rooms designed from the ground up for electronic hearings in Abu Dhabi and London in 2018.
Mr. Page is an expert in designing customized technical solutions for clients’ requirements from a technical and logistical perspective. His projects have included IT infrastructure, evidence display, audio/video solutions, interpretation, video conferencing setups and transcription and document management platforms. He consistently understands the stakeholders’ needs and delivers a solution that meets and exceeds the client’s requirements.
As a technology specialist, he has a broad understanding across the audiovisual and IT fields, and he is always looking for opportunities to improve dispute resolution processes — whether for litigation, arbitration or depositions.
Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Page spent 12 years as head of technical projects at Opus 2, a leading collaborative, cloud-based legal technology and service provider. As Opus 2’s 11th employee, Mr. Page was a key contributor to the company’s exponential growth and success through two rounds of private equity funding.
T: +44 20 3077 0410
rich.page@fticonsulting.com -
200 Aldersgate
Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4HD
United Kingdom