About Scott
Scott Harvey is a Consultant in the Economic Consulting segment and is located in Boston. Prior to joining FTI Consulting, he was a consultant for 12 years with LECG and 11 years with Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett, Inc. He has been actively involved at FTI Consulting, LECG, and Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett with the restructuring of the PJM, New York and New England Power Pools, the development of the MISO Stage 2 congestion management system implemented in April 2005, and the development and implementation of the California ISO's MRTU market design in April 2009.
Mr. Harvey has consulted on market design and performance issues for the New York ISO since its start up, included overseeing the price validation and correction process for the New York market through 2008 and consulted for the California ISO from late 2004 through the implementation of the MRTU market. He has also consulted on a variety of market design and performance issues for the Midwest ISO, ISO New England, PJM, and the Ontario IESO. He is currently a member of the Midwest ISO's market advisory committee, a member of the California ISO's market surveillance committee and continues to consult for the New York ISO on a wide variety of issues.
In addition to his consulting experience in the electricity industry, he has been actively involved in antitrust analysis in the oil and gas industries, particularly the review by the antitrust agencies of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures. Before joining Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett, he was with the Bureau of Economics of the Federal Trade Commission from 1977 to 1987 where he concentrated on antitrust issues in the oil and gas industries.
Mr. Harvey received a B.A. in Economics from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.
B.A., Economics, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley
T: +1 617 747 1864
scott.harvey@fticonsulting.com -
200 State Street
9th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
United States
Antitrust & Competition Economics
Econometrics & Statistical Analysis
Economic Consulting
Network Industry Strategies
Regulated Industries