Where Next for UK REITs?
Recent and Potential Forthcoming Changes to the UK REITs Regime
May 23, 2023
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This article from Tax Journal was first published on April 9, 2023. The entire publication is available at: https://www.taxjournal.com/articles/where-next-for-uk-reits-.
Since its introduction in 2007 the UK real estate investment trust (REIT) regime has gone from strength to strength and REITs are now widely regarded as the pre-eminent UK property investment vehicle. The UK government has sought to enhance UK REITs’ attractiveness and international competitiveness, reduce barriers to entry to the regime and find ways in which REITs can support adherence to the UK’s 2050 net zero commitment as part of its ongoing UK funds review. Following enactment of the first tranche of changes to the REIT regime in April 2022, further amendments were introduced on 1 April 2023 and others remain under consideration, including an extension to the definition of qualifying activities and measures intended to facilitate investment by UK REITs in overseas property.
In his recent article for Tax Journal, our tax expert Rob Williams reviews the latest changes to the UK REIT regime and possible further changes on the horizon.
Republished with the permission of Tax Journal. ©Copyright 2023. The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FTI Consulting, Inc. or its other professionals.
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