Arbitration in Brazil
A Brief Comparison With the Judiciary and the Generation of Economic Benefits for Users and Society
August 21, 2024
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In this study, we analyze the Brazilian arbitration market and the benefits of arbitration as an alternative method for resolving disputes. To this end, we first present an overview of the numbers of the Brazilian judicial system and how arbitration compares to the Judiciary in terms of certain metrics such as average term and number of cases per judge. Next, we list the benefits of arbitration both for the parties involved and for society as a whole. Afterwards, we present the results of a survey that shows, in practical aspects, the advantages perceived by users with the use of arbitration and their satisfaction with this alternative for resolving disputes. Finally, we highlight the significant evolution of the Brazilian arbitration market since the promulgation of Law No. 9,307 of September 23, 1996 (“Arbitration Law”), considering metrics such as the total number of cases and the average value for disputes in the main Brazilian arbitration centers.
August 21, 2024